A Tour of the Monument of Passaic New Jersey by Robert Smithson

Posted on June 8, 2012


In the article “A Tour of the Monuments of Passaic, New Jersey,” he observed geological changes and acknowledges that nothing is permanent or eternal. He described this change as the entropy, an accidental event or situation that occurs naturally over time. Smithson said that the ideal of beauty is actually fake and the real beauty is through the ideal connection to the imperfections of the ruins.

In the article, “A Tour of the Monuments of Passaic, Smithson booked a ticket to Passaic to see some sights. The first monument, met with Smithson was a bridge over the Passaic River connecting Bergen County, with Passaic County. Smithson watched the swing bridge to allow ships to move lower. After looking at the rotations, he said, “the limited movements of a world out of fashion.” The story is still on the bridge the movement of the bridge deck shows old days. This shows how to interact with humans and objects.

Smithson said, the monuments could shape the future. “Passaic seems to be full of” holes “in comparison with New York, which seems tight and solid, and the holes are in a sense defined monumental vacancies, untreated, the memory traces of an abandoned set of future.” It contains the history and where the future comes. The interactions between humans and the environment creates future development.

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